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Everything posted by hampsvalleyboundaries

  1. If the solotrack goes 200 degrees then it goes 180 degrees aswell making the Bryce not the only knocker to rotate that far FACT!
  2. Only 1 horizontal of 1 side. Just loop the unstripped side first then it's easier to loop the other side through with the extra length.
  3. Just do the same as you do on plain wire tie the knot before you tighten and they will tighten up. I use the kinks (tension guides) in the wire to mark where the knot goes that way they will all be in the same place. It's not to hard once you've do it a couple of times.
  4. Is that a little grab for picking post out the trailer?
  5. Ive got a new style estwing with a leather handle was a bit pricey for a hammer but its mega could thrash nails in all day with it.
  6. Yeh i saw your videos on facebook. Its real soft. Really good wire work mate hope it holds for you.
  7. Crikey your on some soft ground there pal! Like the wire trapping the strainer against the breast plate pal nice.
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