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Underground services!


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Im sure we have all been through them but just wondered how you all deal with the problem? I always ask if there are any where I will be likely to knock in posts and then get the customer to sign a disclaimer saying that I am not responsible if I go through one. Over this last year I have knocked strainers/gateposts through 3 water mains, 2 4" cast ones and an asbestos one, several blue water pipes and a septic tank over flow pipe. I always have a good look around first but sometimes it is very hard to see where they might be and a lot of the older ones can be very shallow. I have tried dowsing with some success but not sure how reliable it is. so how do you go about detecting them? I do also look at service maps but they are only a very rough guide most f the time...

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With our job I think it's inevertable that we are going to hit them from time to time, I also ask the client if they know of any services running where we are due to fence and ask them to mark them on the ground before we start works, but I also carry a CAT (cable avoidance tool) in the discovery with me all the time so if I'm unsure about something I run it over the area as so long as it does not pick anything up I carry on, had a job a couple of weeks ago doing an entrance gate and fence and fortunately I used it as the main electric cable that run a dozen houses was running right under the gate post hole, even though the client had already said the whole area was clear!!!! Not a good 1 to hit, the CAT is well worth the investment, as it picks up electric, water and gas!!

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I have a CAT and genny but it wont pick up plastic or asbestos pipes, some of the newer big plastic mains have copper strips on them so they can be detected but not all. Even the water companies wont give you an exact positioning as they don't want to be liable, nor will uk power networks locate a cable as they too will not be held liable but are happy to take you to the cleaners if you hit a line!  I do a lot a field gates by roadsides where I will knock in 9ft telegraph poles and these are the worst places when it comes to services it seems!

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Before every job in holland we must contact the goverment were we go to work  in 3 days we get maps with all undergroud cabels and were they are

we must dig them  out or find them with a cabel locator or a dowsing rod

If you dont inform the goverment and you break something you will get a fine of at least € 5000

On private property the owner is responsible for his own cabels

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