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Grant spec materials


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Im trying to find out wether fence posts have to be FSC for grants and for SNH an that? Some of the guys here reckon they can do their own bids for work. Aparently Tornado have ofered to supply some of the fencers direct. One of the guys got an email from Peter and they reckon that if they can get materials they can do their own bids rather than wating to see which of the heid yins gets the work and then tryna sub to them. An then there was a bloke in Glen Creran who showed my mate an invoice from Cordiners and hed got 8 foot 6 cundy peeled posts treated at £2.20 an he says thats where HIS and Tornado get them but ther not FSC and the guys don know wether to risk that or not? Aparently thers this group further South that does this and they even made a company to work together but I canny find the guy in charge. Does anyone now who els we could ask about stuff?


To who ever sent the box of files, thanx a million. I got it safe at the shop. Couldne belive my eyes when I opened it. The contacts stuff is great and all the clippings an coments an stuff, some of em made me laugh like a drain. The sample tenders are just what we wer needing. Im made up with it. I dinny drink but Ill takee you to the pub fer a week fer that if you tell me who you are. Best Xmas present ever, cheers


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