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HIgh tensile training


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Is there any training specialising in High Tensile fencing?

I have taught myself to fence HT through, Fencer Fred, Hand made farm fence #852, otokastation and strain rite on youtube, trial and error and recently I have had some tips off a kiwi fencer.

Is there a fencing qualification or certificate in the UK to reflect the higher standard required for correct installation of high tensile wire?


if there is iv not heard of it, I have a contract with the Forestry Commission and they dont ask for any qualifications with regards to wire, just first aid, chainsaw etc


this Myte sound stupid but I reckon u learn more teaching ur self because u have to think for ur self instead off being showen how it should be done.a lot off the time with fencing u have to fence to conditions and u keep on learning on the job that what makes it fun for me.


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