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Plain wire fencing


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I just been looking at some videos on youtube of fencing and why is it new zealand that they just use plain wire and no stock fence and maby just a strand of barb on top, would it be cheeper and easier to put up. Im olny a farmer so I dont no much about fencing properly

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Hi there,

From my experience, they often use the 8/9 line wires as it will travel over hillier terrain much more easily than netting. They do have netting but don't use it as much. As for cost, I think it would be more expensive and would struggle to take off here. Not only do they have the strainers and posts every 3 metres, they also have timber droppers that are spaced between the posts every metre. These all need stapling on as well and it becomes quite a long job. But it does give a very good strong fence that will,stand the test of mountainous terrain where farmers will not be checking regularly.


I could be wrong with what I say and stand to be corrected.

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In my mind the nz style off fencing 8 9 wire plus droppers is not cheap initially but they put the fence up to last 30 50 years quality materials and craftsmanship. I don't know if this style off fencing will take off in the uk but I am putting up more multi wire fences thinking they are good for going round woods or on road side fence where trees may fall on fence or cars may go through fence .my thinking is u can repair them easier and faster than net.also think that a multi wire fence stands up to the snow plough shoving snow into the fence.


basically I think it is a more versatile fence with lots of variations for diffrent situations.


That's my thoughts not facts lol


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I have see this fence they named it KIWI FENCE the farmers must put up this fence near roads and Railway from the goverment

9 or 10  HT linewire one meter high space between the post 15 till 20 mtr droppers between every 1.5 till 2 mtr

Some time they put electric on it

When you put up a stock fence electric you need  5 line wires differents between the wires 15  15   15   20   25 cmt  the bottem wire without elecric space between post on flat ground  10 mtr

Last year we put up one fence  16000 mtr

Look at our website

We visit NZ  in 2008


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