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RAMS = Risk assessment Method statement


the paper side of the business is a bind to a guy like me who's dyslexic and for a recent jobs we had to prepare a massive file to satisfy our clients, 


How many of you have had professional help with them or do you all muddle through your'e selves?


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This is all new to me and so far muddled through risk assessment as I needed one in a hurry. The hardest part I found was knowing what to include and how detailed. Have written draft method statement and needs finalising, I thought it would be easier to do myself as I understand my process and would be easier than trying to explain to anyone else.  I feel its important for me to do to professionalise my business as was getting the correct insurance cover.


I heard if you get professional help though it can take some of the liability of you?


I found the risk assessment quite thought provoking, how can I make the job safer? and have actually put a couple of things I identified into practice.

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It's not something that I have had to do by myself thankfully am a bit challenged when it comes to paper work.


Do a bit off work for tar mac ( laffarge) they do it for me. But does that cover me our just them?


Would like to no ho would be the best type off professional to help with this sort off stuff ?


Thanks for bring this up robbell

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It's a very good point Rob We are the same don't realiy pay this area enought attention, we have a basic one that we can adapt for different jobs that we copied looking at the many ones on the Internet.

We don't realy bother doing them with private jobs but probable should just incase something goes wrong.

It would be very helpful if tornado could produce some basic layout ones to include in their packs?

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We don't get help. Do them ourselves.

Got some templates that we use and generally use them for differnt jobs and change them individually. Most are quite similar though, I have mine split into agricultural and commercial sites and then the different types of fencing.

Not saying it's the best but it works for me. I also have a form.of dyslexia and I hate it rob, but now I have it set up it doenst generally take to long to do. I am happy to send anyone the templates I use if they want to look. Can probably give me advice and improvements on what I can do better. Think the risk assessments are most important and method statements can be a lot less in depth.

I have never paid for it the help and think I would be reluctant to, but maybe I should.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think these things need to be complicated, HSE aren't after an essay. They want you to identify the major risks and how you minimise them for YOUR safety. They only need updating if something changes like an accident or new machine but also for us a new site may pose a new risk which may need identifying.

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