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alarm bells start to ring!!!


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i was looking at a job yesterday afternoon, and i must say it is one of those situations when you know within 5 mins that its a know,


the buiildings on the place , there was not one complete, either parts of walls or parts of roofs missing, 


along the fence line we have a selection of debris,  muck heaps, car parts, what looked like asbestos sheets, old fence wire, old car parts  you name it it was there,

the fence line was over 1000 mtrs with over 30 strainers/ turners to go in, and obviously the wire.


so what wold you do in this situation would you even bother to give a price, on condition the fence line is totally cleared,  or would you say sorry too busy, or quote a silly price so if you do get it you make money,


i have to say i dont  believe they have the funds for the materials let alone the labour,


they want 4 lines two elec, and forgot to say therev is around 300 mtrs the ground is so soft wont get ANY machine in .


Pity quoting wasnt done in an office as it would be  a case of 


"computer says no"

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Ohhhh yes, Been there! I was accused of damaging a mower and loosing four tonnes of silage. It wasn't my fault ether, they tried to get me to fence over the top of a demolished dutch barn with steel girders everywhere. I had a brand new tractor and told them to shift the metal or I wasn't going to fence. Took them two hours to finally put there arses into gear and do it.

Best thing to do is include in the quote that they ether clear the site or you will at an extra charge; 50p a metre.


You going ahead with the job then? 

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When I got back to my motor the boy was gone, I will wait and see if they get back to me if I have plenty of work then I'll try and put them off,

There's no way my contractor will take their tractor along that stuff, so despite it now g only ten minutes from my house im going to politely decline.

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One of my best customers has a place like this, just a bloody mess but the cheque is in my hand as i finish the job


I have had some dream places with modern tidy set ups that have spent all their money on the set up and Range Rovers etc and cant pay


then there are the ones who are too posh to pay, they think its cool for the tradesman to have to ring and ask


everyone gets a chance with me but they wont get their teeth in my butt a second time, I will pursue outstanding s down to the last penny and take plenty of pics all through the job, not just at the end


20 odd years ago I was a traveling sales rep, i took over an account that was outstanding, the place was a mess, the old fella had died and his son was picking up the pieces, i slowly got the money a little at a time. He's now a multi Million heir, with leisure parks all over and a hotel in the Caribbean and uses His own Helicopter to get about.


My back ground was that my father had a farm that was a bomb site of a place, he owed money all over and finally went bust BUT people gave me a chance to prove myself, we are both Robert Bell and that's why i give people the benefit of doubt

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Well said rob I have a farmer that I do work for his farm not rough but he going through hard times I don't mind doing work for him as long as he's straght with me so I can plan for it.hes the sort off guy that would pay me before he would pay him self but I just say pay when ur ready.


I no what it's like been on ur knees no a nice place

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Once did job on a council holding ( farm ) the job was only for £600.00 the farm was an absolute tip the driveway and yard was a mud bath loads of old equipment and scrap everywhere when I pulled into the yard I could see the fences like everything else had all seen better days. A lady in her 60s appeared out of the building wearing wellies overalls and a beanie hat all covered In cow **** she told me she wanted a fence installing down the fields as the sheep kept getting out, she then asked if I would install some stakes and wire she had just purchased from a local fencing contractor. I told her the product she had just bought was not suitable, she said I didn't think it was when he delivered it .

She said I want you to do the job because you have been honest, but I don't want it done until next week as I don't get my money until Friday. I want to know what its going to cost first so i know i can afford it, i am going to send the other product back.

We did the job she came down the field and paid us before we had finished. It turned out her husband had died and she was trying to cope on her own, she is one of the nicest and most genuine people we have ever worked for, we have been back on many occasions and its always the same procedure .

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I don't dispute that the ones with the fancy houses and fleet of posh motors are worst to pay,

There is a boy I did work to a few years ago it totalled over 900 quid, and I was never getting paid eventually I dropped in by his place one evening and he told me he didn't realise it would cost so much, he had no problem with what I had done or the quality

I told him that if he was struggling he should've said I'd take payments on the drip, I did so as I said to him I'd like to think that if I ever was on the same situation I'd get the same leeway,

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We did a job before Christmas, a customer we had worked for before and had no problems with, the guy is an accountant , a large rabbit fence around a Christmas tree plantation £6000.00 priced the job and got the ok. Then the wife wanted a stock fence 3lm away around the outside and a dog fence in a different area and a load of gates, kept them informed with prices and estimates for the additional work as the job progressed this eventually doubled the price. Sent the invoice in to be told we haven't got enough money. They have now paid for the original job and are paying the balance by DD over the next ten months. We are back there next month to do more work, if we don't someone else will !! We are getting paid,doing the work and keeping a customer.

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We all had them we did a post and rail job for a lady.. Tidy yard etc she borrowed the money and we made a start but it was so dry couldnot get the posts in ( this was pre rock spike) any how by the time we did get the job done a month later the gearbox had gone on her lorry so some of the money spent and by the time we sent the invoice she had lost her job on chasing the money a few weeks later her house had been repossessed and she was living in a container at her yard. But she was a genuine nice person who had fallen on hard times.. She sold her lorry and horses and had some liverys in and managed to survive on that without selling the yard, there was not much I could do so I kind of wrote it off.

Two years later she turned up in our yard with the money and said she'd got a job and was sorting herself out .. And we were the first of her bad debt to be payed as we had not hassled her for it and been so understanding.. What comes around goes around

On the other hand we fenced around a mast for powergen took 9 months to get the money from them ...!!

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Shite holes don’t always relate back to bad payers as mentioned above beware the ones where the wife drives a range rover bleached teeth blond hair and extensions pants that tight they have to be poured into them.

Just spent £900 on a new puppy you know the type we have all seen them. Back and forward for your money like a yoyo.

The old girl that walks out with a cup tea and a cheque before you start place has seen better days but she is happy you make a work of art out of a high tensile wire and wood  then come back for more work to find hay nets tied to the wire dobbin pulling away at hay quite merrily.

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