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weird and wonderful objects found.


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We have all been there, turning up to a job to find a whole array of stuff used to "temporarily" fill holes and gaps with , but are still there years after.


Among my finds,

45gallon barrels, old trailed harrows section, the old favourite pallets, corrugated iron, box profile, old bicycle, baler twine, tree branches, old bath among my finds.

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Not used to fill a hole, but an old bomb was found when clearing a fence line we were doing. We had all been handling it and looking at it. The. Client decided to send aid turn to the local raf base, they sent it on to bomb squad who that day sent a police car to come and sit with the bomb, till the bomb disposal came to blow it up.

Best thing was when the police man came, we were the only ones left on site, he said could we take him to it so he could watch over it. When the lad went to show him where it was, it had been moved and couldn't find it for a minute. Finally found it and then they cordoned it off and sat with it for three hours till bom disposal came. Was quite funny really. One police man got bored as we were the only ones there and said it should be fine, so he went off to do something else. About 20 mins later,,another policeman was back, saying his mate had been given a proper dressing down for leaving it unattended.

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Last year we were fencing a garden and digging in the posts,and I found a royal marines style commando knife about 3ft down. Later on in the day I showed it to an elderly chap in the neighbouring garden,who promptly told me that it was quite a lucky find because his friend who is an expert on knives is coming round for dinner that evening.he the walked fairly rapidly towards his house.

Not sure if his knife expert story was correct or wheather he had done done somebody over with it many years before.

Anyway it had us laughing for the rest of the day.

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we found a well in a garden once, could'nt get a hole for the post so had one of the lads hold a bar as i brayed the **** out of it, the expression on our faces as the bar went through the slate cover and there was silenc for a second or two before clatter and splash

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