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So I got an email On Friday saying something about plimsoll analysis and how are business was in it. They wanted 350.00 quid for the report and they will email it to me, not that they are going to get it from me, but what is it and is it any use. What's to say if one person gets it emailed to them. They can't forward it on to all their friends.


I always thought plimsoll was what I used to wear at primary school to do p.e.

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I can have a mooch around and email you a report on your business at a special rate for  fellow fencers for £3.50 inc P&P. Time limited offer today only.


We are an environmentally aware company and don't print on paper, UK based. Generally wanting easy money for non existent work.


On a serious note its probably a useless thing for you unless you are a massive company looking to compete in the fantasy markrtplace of large cooperations.  I checked the website out. Its useless  to me.

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