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Stihl BT45 or Atom Chainsaw attachment


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I've the stihl and it was the best £300, I ever spent, before that I was using a hand augar!


I tried to get an atom but was told that the you had to use bits made by atom as other drill bits were certified to be safe working at the speeds that chainsaws did,

I was told that there was a container full of these bits left Australia, a few years back, but that it disappeared in the Pacific, like flight m370,

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Another thumbs up for the stihl drill, its great for gate posts etc with plenty of torque in 1st speed.  I have rarely needed reverse or 2nd speed.  It seems very efficient on fuel, hardly uses a drop and quiet enough to use without ear defenders on.  However a decent dewalt or other 18v lion cordless with sharp 19mm auger wil go through any softwood gatepost.  Only difference is on Oak that the power helps.  I bought my stihl drill when NiMh batteries were still the norm and one winter they all seemed to fail in the cold and got fed up of not being able to drill stuff away from a power source or not wanting to lug a generator around. 


If you look after it, it should last a long time as they get so little use relatively by comparison with other tools that take a daily pounding...

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