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Fencing on Facebook


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Well I'm not a facebook fan but its something of a necessary evil in todays world (gawd I must be getting old to talk like that!) to reach all your potential customers.


Anyhooo just an unashamed plug for a great facebook page that quite a few NZ fencers seem to contibute to . . . 




Hope someone finds it useful if not enjoyable.



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I have concern over Facebook.

If there is a dispute between you and customer, regardless who's wrong or right, then it gets all over the internet, one bad review, can ruin 100 positive ones.

I know the exact feeling, I had a bad customer who tore into my workmanship and tried to ruin me on facebook. On my facebook page I won't allow the reviews section just because of that that nasty piece of work.


Problem is that's my main source of advertising and showing my work. I do know the feeling though! 

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We use Facebook. I am not sure how it works that well, Mrs w does most, I. Can post a picture of of. Y phone or iPad and it goes on Facebook and Twitter in one go. Not had a bad customer review yet or anyone slate our work, sure it Mir happen, but I did ask Mrs w about this and she said just delete it if it happens or block them. I am not sure if this is possible or how to do it, but she sounded confident.

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i find it to be a good way of easily showcasing work but i think in the past 3/4 years i've probably had no more than 4 jobs as a direct consequence of the page. 


As far as unhappy customers go i've been lucky and not really ever had any really difficult ones, its more the slow payers i struggle with.

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In this day and age social marketing i.e. facebook, twitter, even youtube channels are essential to businesses, especially if you don't have a steady customer base and have to be on the lookout for new jobs and opportunities. As, premnayloon, mentioned above, sometimes it so happens that a customer is unhappy with a service or a product, that is unavoidable. The longer you're in the business the more clients you have, the greater the chances you'll get a negative review or a complaint and how you as a business deal with it is entirely up to you. We always try to accept the negative reviews, valid or not, and make "friends" with whoever made the review, the reason being is very simple, no matter how advanced the marketing sector has become due to HUGE social sites, the best advertisment, and I believe everyone will agree with me, is OOLS, which stands for One Old Lady Said. So making friends with your "enemies" is the strategy that we incorporated in our business, rather than just blocking and ignoring them we listen to what they have to say, try to understand where they come from and try our damn best to adjust to their needs.
More on the facebook side of things. We're a new company, our recources are limited, the market that we're in is stacked, we don't have profound, time-tested knowledge on the merchandise, but we have a good price. How do we get it out to the general public without having to invest huge ammounts of cash on advertising?? Facebook, Facebook, Facebook. Simple example, we started the business January this year, got up and fully running sometime early March, we had around 20 people liking our page, mainly friends. Fast forward to late June, we started investing more and more time in Facebook in social advertising, putting ourselves out there for people to know, creating catchy adds, promotions, videos, live feeds. Now we have around 200 likes in 2 months, with a weekly reach of 18000 people and an engagement of around 2000 which is more than 10% of the reach, all of this WITHOUT using any paid adds, those would increase our numbers ten-fold. You can check us out: https://www.facebook.com/GMS.timber/ (shameless self promotion :) )
So yeah, facebook is a great place to advertise your business and your services especially if you don't have the funds to advertise yourself with more conventional means.

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