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7 strand fence with


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Does anybody know what you call the fencing with 7 strands of plain wire? New Zealand fencing someone once said to me??

I've been asked to quote for some. I have seen it before but never done it. Strainers every 50 m then intermediate posts that sit at ground level just to hold the wire up. Inters no wider than 1 1/2 "

Ish . Any info appreciated. Also are these small square inter posts hard wood?

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I think they would use spring steel for that spec,


My experience of using droppers instead of posts, on plain wire was not great awkward to staple, I used to hold a post in behind the wrapper and then staple, but beware if you need to repair a wire at a later date, then you have to remove all the staples on the line they won't pull through.

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Gidday - From NZ


I'm sure Goaty and a few others who have or are down here will chip in but we call that a 7 wire batten fence.  I'm down in Southland and that style is very rare down here too, its a "North Is thing" these days.


The strainers at 50m is about right but you'll need intermediate posts (usually 100's or 125's ) at something like 3.6 or 4.2 centres (depends on the terrain).  The the battens are then stapled on at about 400-600 centres and wether they touch the ground is a style thing. Battens here are mostly treated Radiata Pine about 30 or 35 x 40 or 50 these days, its quite a soft timber here.  In the old days all sorts of stuff was used including Rata which is harder than the hobs of hell once its dry - don't ask me how I know!.


If you have a bit of it to do I could try and get you sent a "battern mate" - there are all sorts of patterns but they all hold the batten against the wire while you staple - make it a lot easier.




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From memory I think kiwi kit sell the batten holders, but couldn't say for sure, but simple enough to make one if you can weld.

Yes I think they do, may have to order though , not a commonly purchased item. http://www.strainrite.co.nz/Products/526-batten-holder.aspx


This batten driver and others available http://www.strainrite.co.nz/Products/611-batten-driver-slotted.aspx

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